Midsummer, also known as Litha, is a time of magical energy, celebrating the peak of the sun's power during the Summer Solstice. For Wiccans, Pagans, spiritual seekers, and witches, Midsummer is a moment to honor the earth, the sun, and the abundant life all around us. This post will explore the rich tapestry of Midsummer Litha Magick, from rituals and symbols to global celebrations and the enchanting presence of the Fae.
This morning, I woke up with a strong desire to pursue something I've been longing for a long time: finding a way to capture the words and ideas that flood my mind during my showers. Reflecting on this in my morning meditation, I realized the importance of prioritizing self-care in this specific routine. I noticed how easily I get sidetracked and lose focus when I attempt to write down these inspirations.
There's a lot going on this month, and I hope you can join us for the feasting, sharing, and sacredness of this wonderful joyous time!
Come and Discover With Us Exciting Pagan and Witchcraft Events in December 2023 Dec. 6: Annual Yule Dinner & Meet and Greet Dec. 12: New (Dark of the) Moon Dec. 13: Mercury Retrograde Dec. 14 Geminids Meteor Shower Peaks Dec. 17, 2023 Parade of Planets Dec. 21 Circles of Light Winter Solstice Ritual Dec. 26 at 4:33pm.Oak or Cold Full Moon in Pisces The year 2024 is just around the corner, and for all the Pagans, Wiccans, and magical folks out there, it is time to start preparing for the most exciting and enlightening events that December has to offer. The final month of the year is filled with pagan holidays, magical rituals, and events that bring the community together to celebrate the power of nature and the universe. From solstice celebrations to gift-giving traditions, this post will cover all of the significant events that the pagan and witchcraft community can enjoy this December 2023! The month of December has a lot to offer, from the Winter Solstice to Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, to name a few, but what's in store for the Pagan and Witchcraft community? Well, for starters, the Winter Solstice is the most significant occasion observed during this time. It is the time of the shortest day and the longest night, and celebrations are centered around the rebirth of the Sun. People gather to light a bonfire, sing, dance, and perform rituals to welcome the new phase of the Sun's journey. Astrology enthusiasts can also enjoy the rare Parade of Planets on December 17th. where Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in Conjunction as a parade of planets along the ecliptic. During this time, many choose to perform tarot readings, meditation, divination, and other ritualistic practices to harness the power of this cosmic event. Mercury retrograde on December 13th is a good indicator to get your holiday plans in order and activated before then so you can spend the rest of the time polishing and perfecting those and other projects you've already started. While you're at it, why not use that time to polish up the unfinished projects that you can? Mercury retrograde is a perfect time for those activities! December is also the month of giving and receiving, and Pagans are no exception. It is common to exchange handmade magical gifts, such as spell kits or crystals imbued with positive energy. This gesture represents goodwill and the sharing of positive energy and vibes. What are some of your favorite Yule gifts you have received or given? If you're looking for magical gifts for friends and family or to add to your collection, then head to the many magical markets and fairs that pop up during December. You'll find handmade spell candles, divination tools, tarot cards, journals, and many other magical items. Moreover, these markets are perfect for meeting practitioners, sharing knowledge, techniques, and discussing upcoming events. Check out our regular Magical Market Mondays on our Facebook group as well! If you're not a member, you can join here. Interestingly enough, December is also the time when some Pagans experience some challenges with some of their Christian friends and families. Let's be mindful and supportive to them, and encourage an atmosphere of welcoming in our interactions with those who walk a different path than our own. It's not important to engage on who is right, but rather point out our similarities. One of my favorite songs at this time is The Christians and the Pagans by Dar Williams. You can find it on my "Wicca" playlist on my YouTube channel. The Pagan holiday of Yule, which is held on the Winter Solstice, has similar roots and traditions to Christmas, such as decorating trees and the exchange of gifts. Yule was originally celebrated by the Scandinavian people, and some traditions involved long celebrations and practices throughout the season. Pagan celebrations of Yule can include a feast to celebrate the end of the dark phase and welcome the light. It is also a time for introspection, setting intentions for the upcoming year, and focusing on personal growth. December in 2023 has even more magical events in store! On December 12th, we have the New (Dark of the) Moon, which is a perfect time for banishing, releasing, and letting go of anything that no longer serves us. It is also a great time to set intentions for the upcoming year and manifest our desires. Don't forget about the Geminids Meteor Shower on December 14th! This annual meteor shower peaks during this time, making it an ideal opportunity for stargazing, connecting with nature, and manifesting our dreams under the falling stars. Finally, on December 26th at 4:33pm, the Oak or Cold Full Moon in Pisces will grace us with its presence. This full moon is a time for deep reflection, healing, and releasing any negative emotions that may be holding us back. It is also a powerful time for divination and connecting with our intuition, especially with the lovely Piscean energy it brings. All of this and Magical Mondays will continue to delight and tickle our senses with great discussion topics! As you can see, there is a whole lot going on for the Witch and Pagan community in December 2023! From solstice celebrations to meteor showers and full moons, this month offers plenty of opportunities for spiritual growth, manifestation, and connection with nature. So mark your calendars, gather your friends and coven members, and get ready to welcome the magic of December! And remember, always stay true to your path and spread love, light, and positivity wherever you go. Blessed be. Jenn by Jennifer Morris
10/09/2023 As the leaves begin to fall and the air grows crisp, we find ourselves approaching one of the most magical times of the year. Samhain, the Celtic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, is a time of reflection, gratitude, and celebration. It's a time to honor our ancestors, connect with the spirit world, and celebrate the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Whether you identify as a witch, a Pagan, or simply someone who loves the magic of the season, there are many ways to embrace the spirit of Samhain and make the most of this enchanting time of year. Blessings and Feasts: At the heart of Samhain is a deep sense of gratitude for the abundance of the harvest season. Many people choose to give thanks for the blessings in their lives by creating altars or making offerings to the spirits of the land. This could include leaving out food, candles, or other symbolic items. Others celebrate with a special feast, either alone or with loved ones. Traditional foods for Samhain include apples, pumpkins, and other seasonal produce, as well as hearty stews and baked goods. Whatever your approach, taking time to acknowledge the gifts of the season can help you connect with the rhythms of nature and cultivate a sense of abundance and gratitude. Reflections and Activities: As the year begins to wind down, Samhain is also an ideal time for reflection and introspection. Many people use this time to reflect on the past year, set intentions for the coming one, and connect with their inner guidance. This could involve journaling, meditating, or simply taking quiet walks in nature. Another popular activity is divination, as the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is said to be at its thinnest at this time of year. This might include reading Tarot cards, casting runes, or scrying with a crystal ball or mirror. Whatever form it takes, carving out time for reflection and self-discovery can help you make the most of the energies of the season. Associations and Celebrations: Samhain is a time when many Pagans and witches honor their ancestors and connect with the spirit world. This might involve lighting candles or leaving offerings on ancestral altars, or simply taking time to remember those who have passed. For some, Samhain is also a time to connect with deities associated with the season, such as the Crone, the Dark Mother, or the Lord of the Dead. In addition to these traditions, there are many ways to celebrate Samhain with loved ones, from hosting a costume party to attending a community ritual or bonfire. Whatever your preferences, finding ways to connect with others and celebrate the season can help you tap into the joy and magic of Samhain. Spending Time with Loved Ones: Finally, Samhain is a time to cherish the connections we have with loved ones, both living and deceased. Whether you choose to spend time with family and friends, or connect with beloved ancestors and spirit guides, taking time to honor those we love can aid in healing, releasing anguish, and provide connection. In particular, offering remembrance and respect for individuals who we've lost within the past year can provide comfort and foster wider feelings of familial belonging among those present. As the wheel of the year turns and we enter into the season of Samhain, there's a sense of magic and possibility in the air. Whether it's through blessings and feasts, reflections and activities, associations and celebrations, or spending time with loved ones, there are countless ways to connect with the energies of the season and celebrate all that it represents. No matter what your interests or background might be, there's an invitation to everyone who wishes to experience the spirit of Samhain. May you all have a joyful, profound, and enchanting season of celebration. As we welcome the month of April, we also welcome the Full Pink Moon in Libra on April 5th, 2023. The Full Pink Moon got its name from the Native American’s, naming it for the pink moss that blooms around this time of year. It is usually the first Full Moon of Spring, indicating new beginnings and growth. This Full Moon holds a special significance in the spiritual community as it offers opportunities to balance our relationships, both inner and outer, and bring more harmony and balance into our lives.
The Full Pink Moon is a highly anticipated celestial event for witches, Pagans, Tarotists, and crystal healers alike. It is a time when the moon is at its brightest and fullest, showering the earth with its magical energy. This year the Full Pink Moon will occur on April 5th in the sign of Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac. In this blog post, we’ll explore the traditions, meanings, celebrations, magic, magick, and spells, associated with the Full Pink Moon in Libra. Traditions: Ancient cultures believed in the power of the Full Moon and attributed various traditions and rituals to it. In India, the Full Moon is known as Poornima and is celebrated by fasting, prayers, and offerings. In Japan, it is celebrated as Tsukimi or moon-viewing, which involves gathering moon and autumnal harvest peaches to offer them to the moon god. In Wicca and Paganism, the Full Moon is significant because it symbolizes the Goddess's fullness and power. The Full Pink Moon in Libra is a time to reflect and balance our relationships. As the Full Moon illuminates the night sky, it brings a sense of intensity and power. The Full Pink Moon in Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, harmony, and pleasure. It represents harmony, balance, and peace. It is the perfect time to reflect on our relationships, both romantic and platonic, and focus on achieving balance and harmony in them. Traditionally, the Full Moon in Libra is regarded as a time of balance, harmony, and partnerships. This is because Libra represents balance and fairness, and the Full Moon enhances these energies. It is an opportune time to focus on balancing your life, relationships, and work. Harnessing the Energy: To harness the energy of the Full Pink Moon in Libra, consider meditating on the Tarot card “Justice” or carrying crystals such as citrine, rose quartz, and amethyst. In addition to promoting balance and harmony, the Full Pink Moon in Libra is also a time of transformation and growth. The Libra energy encourages us to focus on our personal growth and transformation, and to find balance in our spiritual and physical lives. You can use this Full Moon to focus on personal growth, setting intentions, and manifesting your desires. Furthermore, this is an ideal time to cast spells for new relationships, strengthen existing relationships, or to focus on self-love and self-care. You can also work with the pink candle to draw love or affection towards yourself or create the energy to attract a perfect mate. Make sure to use the energy of the Full Pink Moon to amplify your intention. For those who are into tarot, the Full Pink Moon in Libra relates to the Justice card, which symbolizes fairness, integrity, and karma. During this period, if you have been wronged, the universe could be aligning to bring justice to your doorstep. Alternatively, if you've wronged another person, this period might be the best time to ask for forgiveness and make things right. As the Full Pink Moon in Libra also signifies rebirth, growth, and renewal, it's an excellent time for planting seeds, both literally and figuratively. As nature comes alive again, utilize this energy to embark on new projects, start new relationships, and try new things. With the Full Moon's luminescent radiance enveloping the night sky, it's an inspiring time to start anew. Are you into crystal healing? Then the Full Moon in Libra might offer you the perfect opportunity to charge your tools and crystals. You can harness the moon's powers by conducting an intention-setting ritual. It's simple – write down your desires or intentions on a piece of paper, charge your crystals and tools under the moonlight energy and let the universe work its magic. Lastly, the Full Pink Moon in Libra is an ideal time for meditation and introspection. Being the sign of the scales, Libra calls for balance, fairness, and harmony. Take time to reflect on how balanced your life is, and if it needs some adjustments, harness the Full Moon's energies to make things right. Close your eyes and allow the energy of the moon to fill your chakras with equilibrium, enlightenment, and empowerment. Celebrations: Celebrate the Full Pink Moon in Libra with a ritual or ceremony. There are many ways to honor this powerful Full Moon energy, and the ritual or ceremony you choose should be based on what feels right for you. Some witches and Pagans like to create altars with pink candles, rose petals, and crystals to honor the love and partnership energies of this Full Moon. Others may choose to perform a spell or working, or sit quietly in meditation, focusing on balance and personal growth. The Full Pink Moon in Libra is an invitation to celebrate femininity and beauty. One way to celebrate this Full Moon is by performing a ritual or ceremony dedicated to that. You can light candles, burn incense, and create an altar with crystals, flowers, and other meaningful objects. Magic and Spells: During the Full Pink Moon in Libra, we can harness the power of the Full Moon and perform spells and workings to enhance our relationships, manifest love, and improve communication. Here are some spells that you can try during this Full Moon. Crystal Grid for Love: Create a crystal grid with rose quartz, amethyst, and clear quartz to enhance love and harmony in your relationships. Love Drawing Spell: Light a pink candle, visualize the love you desire, and recite a love spell to attract the right partner. Communication Spell: Write down the communication issues you want to address with your partner and burn the paper under the Full Moon. Visualize the issue resolving and communication improving. Conclusion: The Full Pink Moon in Libra is no ordinary lunar occurrence. Remember to focus on balance, personal growth, and love as you reflect on your relationships, seek balance and harmony, and celebrate femininity and beauty. As you perform your rituals and spells, remember to set clear intentions, trust your intuition, and follow your heart. Let the energy of the moonlight caress your soul, and empower your spirit to pursue your passions, cultivate your relationships, and restore balance to your life. Harness the moon's force to renew your mind, body, and spirit. Most importantly, listen to your intuition and do what feels right for you. Happy Full Moon and Blessed Be! Happy Spring! The Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara, is a magical time of year when day and night are in equal balance. For many of us, it’s a time to celebrate the blooming of new life with rituals and traditions that honor the natural world. If you’re looking for some ideas on how to celebrate the spring equinox this year, we’ve got you covered! Here are some creative ways to make your Ostara celebration special. Honor Nature with an Altar or Wreath Creating an altar or wreath is one of the simplest ways to celebrate Ostara. You can create an altar with items that symbolize spring such as flowers, plants, green candles, and incense. You can also hang a wreath made of leaves and twigs outside your home or office as a sign of renewal and growth. It’s a great way to bring nature indoors during this special time of year. Give Thanks with a Ritual Bath Taking a ritual bath is a great way to give thanks for all that has been given to us during this season of rebirth. Start by running yourself a warm bath with your favorite herbs or essential oils such as lavender or rosemary. As you bathe, think about all that you have accomplished over the past few months and express gratitude for everything that has been given to you in your life - both big and small. Be sure to close out your bath with an intention for what lies ahead in the coming months. Connect With Your Ancestors Ostara is also a great time to honor our ancestors who have gone before us. Spend some time meditating on those who have come before us and connect with them energetically by lighting candles or offering up prayers or blessings in their names. This is also a wonderful opportunity to learn about our family history - if possible, schedule an online chat session with distant relatives so you can ask questions about where you come from and listen carefully to all they have shared over the years. Doing so will help bring more clarity into your life moving forward! Celebrating Ostara doesn’t need to be complicated – just find creative ways that work best for you! Whether it’s creating an altar, taking ritual baths, connecting with ancestors, spending time outdoors in nature or simply reflecting on what this season signifies – there are many simple but powerful rituals you can do alone or as part of a group gathering that will help make this special holiday even more meaningful! So go ahead – enjoy every moment of this magical season! Some suggestions for your altar: Happy Spring! Happy Ostara!
Have you ever wondered if witches do energy work? Are you curious about what types of energy work witches practice? Someone asked me recently why I was offering a class in Aura Cleansing at Ipso Facto next week. Truthfully, I have always been drawn to energy work, especially once I chose my path. I hope to answer some of the questions below that I've had over the years.
I think it's about time I addressed this. I hope this post will provide a beginner's guide to energy work for witches and those interested in exploring this form of Magick. Keep reading to learn more about how witches use energy work and the benefits it can offer. Let's start with answering the basic question for an understanding what we are working with, what is Energy Work? Energy work is any practice that involves manipulating, directing, or working with energy. Examples of energy work include reiki, aura cleansing, chakra balancing, crystal healing, and many other forms of Magickal practices. In some cases, energy work can be used to heal physical ailments or emotional issues. In others, it may be used to manifest desired outcomes or bring a sense of peace and balance into one’s life. When I studied both Reiki and Crystal Healing under master teachers, both of them referenced metaphysical concepts I was introduced to when studying the craft. I don't see all these things as separate, but instead intertwined and interconnected pieces of the whole big universal picture. How Do Witches Use Energy Work? Witches use energy work in many ways, mostly in the same way practitioners from other faiths do. For example, they may use reiki to send healing energies to someone who is ill or injured. They may also use aura cleansing to clear away negative energies from their environment or their own aura (or energetic field). Additionally, witches may use crystal healing for protection or manifestation purposes. Finally, chakra balancing can be used by witches to restore balance and harmony within their own bodies and lives. I use this on a daily basis, and sometimes I feel it's the reason I'm still kicking! Well, sort-of low kicks these days. Haha! What are the Benefits of Energy Work for Witches? The benefits of energy work for witches are numerous. For starters, it can help them tap into their own inner power and gain a greater understanding of themselves on an energetic level. Additionally, it can help them develop stronger connections with their spirit guides and ancestors as well as strengthen their overall spiritual practice. Finally, using energy work can help them better manifest desired outcomes in both their personal lives and magical workings—making it a powerful tool indeed! How Do I Learn Energy Work? If you are interested in learning more about how witches use energy work, there are several resources available online that can help you get started. There are books written specifically on the subject as well as courses offered through various schools and organizations dedicated to teaching Magickal practices including energy work. Additionally, joining an online community such as Reddit’s Witchcraft sub-Reddit can provide valuable resources and support when learning how to do witchy things like using energy work! If you are looking for a teacher, to have the guidance and support, especially from someone who understands this path, I do teach online courses. The next set of courses will begin in February, right around Imbolc. Energy work is an important part of any witch’s practice—and learning how to do it properly takes time and practice (just like any other part of the craft). Still curious about how witches utilize this powerful form of Magick? Now that you know more about what it is and how they use it—you will be better prepared when pursuing your own journey into this realm! From reiki sessions to chakra balancing and aura cleansing—energy work can open up new doors of possibility within your spiritual practice—so why not give it a try today! You never know where it might take you! Feel free to look around, this is a project that will officially start at Imbolc.
If you have a specific question, just ask in the comments below! Welcome and Blessed Be! |
AuthorJennifer Morris: A Journey of Healing and Empowerment Archives
June 2024
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